Again, a no-brainer. YES.
Always. Again, cat fancy organizations and competent vets agree wholeheartedly - keeping your pet intact
puts them at greater health risk, contributes to pet overpopulation, and causes them to engage in undesirable
behavior (like spraying!).
Female cats are spayed, which is the removal of their female reproductive organs.
Spaying your cat means she will not suffer from pyometra, a life-threatening infection of the uterus,
and lowers her risk for mammary cancer dramatically - particularly if you spay before the first heat cycle.
Spaying means no more heat cycles - during which your cat will wail and call for a male, attract any stray
males in your neighborhood, and spray and urinate in different areas of your home.
Your cat will not gain
weight after a spay, will still be playful and happy, and will be healthier in the long run.
Male cats are neutered, the surgical removal of the testicles.
Neutering at about six months of age will prevent hormonally-driven behaviors -
including urine spraying to mark territory (and intact male spray is a very difficult odor to remove),
wandering your neighborhood in search of females, and fighting with other cats. It will also impregnate
any and all female cats it locates, contributing exponentially to overpopulation.
A simple, short surgical procedure ends all this.
Vets have done them by the millions, and the risk of side effects is very low.
The CFA position statement on cat overpopulation:
Needless euthanasia of healthy, adoptable cats is offensive to all cat lovers.
To reduce the number of animals euthanized in the United States, cat lovers should be
willing to cooperate with others in the animal field to find solutions which will:
- Decrease the number of unwanted births of cats, both random bred and pedigreed.
- Decrease the number of homeless stray cats and increase the return of lost cats to their home.
- Increase the number of cats adopted into permanent homes and decrease the number of animals surrendered to the shelters.
To engage in random breeding or allow your cat to roam free intact, and therefore allow random breeding to occur, significantly contributes to the overpopulation problem and is NOT responsible breeding. And remember - the same goes for your dog!!
Still wondering?
Consider what you need to consider:
- Obtaining a female of show/breeding quality, at considerable cost
- Certified pedigrees for her, as well as any male you breed to
- High costs for stud service, when your female may or may not take
- The cost if your queen struggles in pregnancy or delivers malformed kittens
- The kittens you will have to place - remember, you're lucky if 1/3 are show/breeder quality
- Medical costs - well kitten exams and shots
- Enough food and litter and litter boxes and beds and toys for as many cats as you house
- Emergency c-sections, plus regular spay and neuter cost
- Entering and traveling to cat shows, including hotel, gas, flights, etc.
- Costs to register litters as well as individual kittens
- Tests for inherent health problems and unfortunately, dealing with new ones when they arise
- Having a place in your home that can accommodate a whole, spraying, stinky male
- Dealing with whole, yowling females in heat who often also like to mark with urine
- Feeding failing kittens every 2 hours around the clock
- Watching kittens fade no matter what your efforts
- Parting with the cat who was by your side campaigning for the last 12 months
- The list could go on. KNOW you want to breed - don't just "try it out." Get a HHP to a show...get a
purebred and show in premiership...get a breeder mentor to let you assist them...and make a fully educated decision.
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